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in the arts !
Black artist Kerry James Marshall decided at a young age to never paint a white person again. His work now hangs in the most prestigious museums and galleries in the world.
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Nice style!!
I want to meet his beautiful human being.
Kerry James Marshall is an inspiration to all minorities. I am not black I am Latina but I can definitely relate. GREAT JOB! I saw his exhibit at the MCA in Chicago, they were so touching. I loved it.
This man is an incredible artist. I saw his work at the MCA in Chicago and was literally stunned. If you're anywhere in the midwest, do yourself a favor and go his exhibition, right now.
I'M A TOTAL FAN..& DARK AS WELL! Paint on brothaman…forget Leo Dvinc, You got more than they could ever bring to the "center". Props. I w/b looking for your artwork. Respectfully, Margo
I see some comments about racism in various comments. I am not certain what ethnicity these individuals are. However, racism was established from the very inception of slavery and the 'founding' of the United States of America. As a white person relayed to Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, the very word America spells I AM RACE!!
I just got back from the Cody, WY museum. There was not a single black cowboy in any painting or sculpture. The cowboy culture is worshipped in this country, but it was not a really white culture. A quarter of the real old west cowboys were black. They did the roughest, most dangerous work. More than another quarter were Mexican. There was also a hefty number of Native Americans and some Chinese. Take back the rugged, independent black cowboy heritage and force it to be acknowledged.
I must see this guys work. He made a powerful decision at a young age and that set him apart from his peers. His work on a technical level is visually majestic stunning, bold and at the same time reminds you of your conditioning. Its made me think about my ideals about beauty and my own personal struggles.
What's the name of the song in the intro?
Personally speaking, I can recall going along to Morley College in UK/London; to do a 12 x weeks introductory Fine Art Foundation course(which I did not choose to continue with for the rest of the year). We did a lot of artistic research; and, I would frequently mention why are there no 'black/brown/yellow' angels in art? But, instead, they are all 'white'…??? In fact, in the whole of Christianity, (I'm Christian myself), the drawings/paintings/sculptures I come across tend to be all 'white': Jesus/Mary/-etc….whether these works were created either yesterday/or else, today. Sometimes, I wonder does that really and truly reflect the fact that during our modern day era Christianity is, in fact, a worldwide religion…?
I also met a black female painter; and, she painted realistically; but, I noticed she only drew/painted blacks. She actually encouraged me to paint 'blacks', only. But, I just replied, no; I don't wish to 'limit' myself in any way; I believe in drawing/painting any race I see in the world; including, 'mixed race'.
I'm not saying, that if a person only wishes to paint exclusively (or, almost exculsively) people of their own colour; then, to me, that's their own business, alone. Let them do whatever it is they want; and, me, I'll do what I want; as there's really little anyone can do about it to stop them, anyway.
When I look at Picasso, one of my most fav. artists in the whole wide world; I see almost exclusively 'whites'. So, what…? Does this imply that Picasso was 'racist'? Somehow, I think, not. I'm far more inclined to believe that the people who he mostly dealt with in life were 'whites'; so, therefore, he mostly drew/painted 'whites'.
There are many other 'white' people artists whose work I've encountered who choose to draw/paint people of every colour; and, I'm sure, there are coloured people who draw/paint exclusively 'whites'; so, in the end it's basically up to them what they chose to do; and, really that's that; whatever makes you feel most truly comfortable, I guess. At the end of the day, art is all about exercising your own free will, and, particular choice. I'm not sure that outsiders should be allowed to 'dictate' exactly what an artist either should/or, shouldn't do…! Though, everybody is allowed full freedom to express their opinions about any artists work.
Personally speaking, I disagree that painting should be all about drawing/painting only your 'own' race, exclusively, alone. After all that said and done, though; I really respect and admire the sheer skill; and, quality of this artists work; which, I think, is certainly up there with the very best of them who ever yet lived. I like, too, the fact that his art works are filling in the gap of 'coloureds' being unlisted in art. When I regularly go and visit seeing many London galleries like The Tate/National/-etc….I mostly tend to see drawings/paintings/sculptures that are almost exclusively…possibly, 99%…'white'. So, I can definitely see where he's coming from, and, that he's got a point…coloured people as art does 'need' to be included.
"Recouping the power and the beauty that exists in blackness even at that extreme." There are many shades to black. It's just skin color. But art isn't about color, it's about people. A lot of artists now are slowly beginning to embrace and portray black people, and sometimes in a cliched whitewashed way. A person of true African descent doesn't have big wavy puffy hair. They just don't. Portraying people like that or with relaxed hair doesn't make them bad people. Just that a bit of perspective is needed. Take this video for what it is. A matter of perspective. Saliently so. Remember, we are one people.
There is nothing wrong with that there are many people who paint only their people, chines Indians European Arab and there are many African who just paint black people.
This generation don't want to know anything but what they know now? NOTHING….
How could this be racist it is just a different form of art express by someone who is making and impression of black art history which was way back in the days that we as black African Americans didn't have too much. I can not say about any white form of white history just as of what was then but today it's different. And another thing i say again their is nothing wrong with this and yes their is 2 different side's to each story.But in order for anyone to know they must study black history to know the history and mistreatment and hanging may i say more. And no look and read for your self and know the history.
yet there are millions of white people that only paint white people………. but no one asks them why?
oh yeah i forgot being white is the status quo.
what a redundant title to this video. I was expecting him to be some sort of black nationalist or something. This guys a bloody good artist, who gives a fuck whether he only draws black people, some people only prefer to draw landscapes…he's not a racist. This guys intelligent. and very talented.
It is amazing to me that the fact Obama has a white mother makes him black. Only in a country still steeped in the race laws of slavery. I think anywhere else like the UK, he would be viewed as mixed race, which is what he is. Without the presence of his black dad, his socialisation was entirely white. To use him as an example for black empowerment is wrong, he was socialised as a white person.
White people are literally offended because he only paints black people. Holy shit quit being babies. It's not only art, it's history in and within itself as to why he only paints black people. Van Gogh didn't paint black people, Da Vinci didn't paint black people either. Was there racist intent behind it? fuck no. Leave the man alone and quit people so butthurt because he doesnt wanna paint white people.
I am a artist my self and I understand what he is really saying in his art and about his art .
Wow! it seems this video attracted the nazi trolls again..
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you channel 4 for sharing this amazing artist
Their is nothing wrong with this kind of art. It is really about black education of black history which is really not talked about much at all. This new generation need to be educated about black history and if it has to be showed in anyone's art.
brilliant brother
A portrait of a racist as a fuckwit.