We heart this lovely videorecording on African-American culture
within the arts !
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in Art History· Art Videos
We heart this lovely videorecording on African-American culture
within the arts !
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I refuse to let these fake ass celebrities seperate me from the greatest continent on earth! These artists are nothing but puppets who are being used by the rich & wicked to divide us. I am African American and I don't get these vibes from Africans. I'm glad that I have knowledge of the Motherland for myself! Too many ppl are quick to jump on the bandwagon without researching the facts. The US music scene is garbage AF now, too many gay rappers speak gibberish and too many coons who worship Massa! I don't know what's in the US water, but there is record numbers of black Americans disowning their beautiful heritage because they are programmed to accept the bs. All of us black Americans are not natives, but even the original natives originate in Africa! Some by the way of Pangaea and some who traveled before Christopher Columbus. In the beginning of creations there were Africans.
Africans always say African Americans are lazy and all the opportunities we have , if the " white "people took over most of Africa countries and Africans don't even have opportunities in their own country , how much opportunity do you expect us to have in their country.. Africans are not more intelligent or work harder than African Americans , it's just that the smart ones come to America, if they were that much more intelligent or work harder they would have their own country in check especially with all the resources in their continent..
NAS those Africans in Africa sold your black ancestors for money and Alcohol and stupid mirrows to the white people.
Let the black Africans stay in Africa being poor and sad. They are too stupid to build up a rich continent.
Africans only big succesful business where Black slavery with the whites Black slave trade
lol, the Africans look down on us. haha I'm Hispanic and that sort of thing Is very common. and it is not a racial thing it is a cultural thing. these artist cant relate to the people of Africa even to a greater degree than a "Mexican-American" does because of the distance but it is a little funny hearing this come from the black Americans after the decades of claiming a solidarity or some sort of connection to the motherland and all the while they are saying that they didn't even know what the continent looks like other that what they see in Nat Geo, lol
im African and I got mad love and respect for nas. He keeps it real. I respect all black people that love themself even white people. peace and love from California
Its all mental. The media has created a very negative image about Africa and worse, a very divisive perception between Africans and blacks especially Afro-Americans and Black English. This has resulted in a very negative cold war between the the groups. The truth is that the media especially the Western media does not want these groups to unite for a common cause. You better open your eyes and ears. This is a conspiracy. Nas always amazes me with this philosophy and explanation of things! Wow! He spoke the truth.The problem is that People outside Africa have fallen in the trap of propaganda project to divide the black race worldwide. I have always thought that the biggest investors we are supposed to be having in Africa is black Enterprise and not the Indians or the Chinese who are currently flooding Africa like a pilgrimage. Africa is not what it is portrayed in the Western media. That is why countries like Zambia, South Africa are a multi-cultural societies. We have white Zambians and we all live in perfect peace. Blacks outside Africa should just feel free and come to Africa. It may not be your home now but your ancestral roots are here. You will be treated with respect and a warm African Welcome.
Man… i worked in the music industry, and i have heard the horror stories first hand. but I think it was simply because they were celebrities. And I know plenty of common folk that travel all across africa having no problems at all. I so hate the divide between Africans and African Americans. Everybody is caught up.
because black Americans are lazy or stupid to be lazy with all the opportunities they have in America they wasted by complaining that I'm freaking Coming to America and they get rich and they make it wherever they go but they're getting African soap from a third world country so go figure
because you are not African that's why my friend you are black American black dresses that are divided white people I decided to have an Englishman blue eyes blonde hair Irishman blue eyes blonde hair that they look alike but I can't stand each other because one is English one is Irish the same applies to black people have black Americans Africans have Jamaicans and Haitians and they all hate each other but you don't have nothing big nose big lips but different culture
good talking bro nas we appreciate tell the truth of your deef and blind people and stop to believe what the media sawing them whatever u r family
What people should know is that , Africans won't take any bullshit from no one!
-If you act fucked up with an African, he will show you that he can be more fucked up than you and that you ain't shit! !
– But if you show respect in your ways and manners, then the African will show you that Love is not just a Vain Word!
-That's all !
– Africa has more than 1.3 Billion people on paper………and probably more ………If one african from the Diaspora claims not to be African, what the Heck?……and if 25 millions make the same claim, so what the Heck ?!………Africa still has 1.2 + Billion children to move forward with…….- That ain't gonna change a damn thing about Africa and Africans Happiness . I swear to y'all !!!
-So fuck the fucked up Ones !!! and Life goes On !!!!
We live in a world that teaches HATE, in turn teaching us to UNIFY OR DIE…Spread love amongst your brothers, learn where your from(home country in Africa) and its not Alabama or Chicago, your history started long before 1776! I'm African American, African descendant, American nationality. Family was brought here as slaves but never lost their roots, ALL BLACK EVERYTHING! The struggle is far from over and I can't betray it…
cuz we are not african!
Blacks Born In Tha States Are Black American/Afro American Or American Negro Most Blacks Born In Tha States Dont Know Nuttin About Africa They Should B Proud 2 B Afro American/Black American Or American Negro.
nonsense bullshit , Nas
, first of all black Americans are not African they born in America that Black America that's what you are
Africans listen to the white man's propaganda and opinions on Black Americans
Africans look at negative movies about blacks Americans to form their opinions on us too.
Africa please don't let the white man trick you
Nigeria do have lots of issues unemployment, housing, disease, crime, corrupt government, health care system sucks and prostitution.
Nas you lying!!! African don't like u????
This is out dated every famous Black Artist has performed in South Africa.
nonsense, its other other way around, African americans look down on Africans simply cos the white man brainwashed them, they think they're better and more civilised, they're rude too
I am trying to find out how we prayed and religious aspects before Muslim, Catholicism, and Christianity was forced a pond us. I am 25% Ghana/Ivory Cost , 20 % Cameroon, and 40% Nigerian. I have always felt that something was missing and not right. I am very thankful that my grandmother who was Catholic had me read many religions and said "you choose ". I'm still searching.