Famous and not so famous African-American artists have actually exquisitely shared portrayals of modern and historic people and events, cultural point of views, and the experiences and struggles of minorities through their artwork. This article highlights the pivotal work of Black artists who assisted to bring African-American experiences into the elite art world. The art records contemporary and historic experiences. Some art captures race and gender relations. Witchcrafts as a motion speaks straight to the requirements and goals of Black America. The Black artist speaks with the cultural and spiritual needs of Black people in their artistry.
The specialists of Black arts are inspired by a desire to confront white power structures and assert an African American cultural identity. Black arts aim to serve the neighborhood and artists.
Swann’s African American art sale went well. They brought in $1,354,400 for all the lots and a sell through was a much stronger 80% with 97 of the 116 lots finding buyers. Better market or better sale management? (see our answer after the jump.) Well, they found buyers for their top lots with Elizabeth Catlett‘s […]
Black artists highlight racial pride, an appreciation of African heritage, and a dedication to produce works that reflect the culture and experiences of black individuals. In each age, events of the day galvanize black artists to develop, organize, and change the world.